(set: $Female1Name to "Becca")
(set: $Female2Name to "Donnabelle")
(set: $Female3Name to "Sharon")
(set: $Female1HP to 100)
(set: $Female2HP to 75)
(set: $Female3HP to 50)
(set: $Female1Range to 3)
(set: $Female1Fighting to 7)
(set: $Female1Speed to 1)
(set: $Female1Aim to 66)
(set: $Female2Range to 2)
(set: $Female2Fighting to 10)
(set: $Female2Speed to 9)
(set: $Female2Aim to 55)
(set: $Female3Range to 4)
(set: $Female3Fighting to 3)
(set: $Female3Speed to 7)
(set: $Female3Aim to 82)
(set: $Female1Advance to 0)
(set: $Female2Advance to 0)
(set: $Female3Advance to 0)
(set: $Male1Name to "Jerry")
(set: $Male2Name to "George")
(set: $Male3Name to "Matthew")
(set: $Male1HP to 125)
(set: $Male2HP to 100)
(set: $Male3HP to 75)
(set: $Male1Range to 3)
(set: $Male1Fighting to 6)
(set: $Male1Speed to 2)
(set: $Male1Aim to 66)
(set: $Male1Distance to 6)
(set: $Male2Range to 2)
(set: $Male2Fighting to 9)
(set: $Male2Speed to 3)
(set: $Male2Aim to 45)
(set: $Male2Distance to 6)
(set: $Male3Range to 4)
(set: $Male3Fighting to 2)
(set: $Male3Speed to 6)
(set: $Male3Aim to 75)
(set: $Male3Distance to 6)
(set: $Female1Cover to 0)
(set: $Female2Cover to 0)
(set: $Female3Cover to 0)
(set: $Male1Cover to 1)
(set: $Male2Cover to 1)
(set: $Male3Cover to 1)
(set: $Male1Unconscious to 0)
(set: $Male2Unconscious to 0)
(set: $Male3Unconscious to 0)
$Female1Name, $Female2Name, and $Female3Name are camped at their sorority in the woods outside Ferndale College.
Suddenly they hear stirring in the bushes. The boys are coming for a Panty Raid, armed with their airsoft guns and strategically deploying around the sorority building. The girls grab their airsoft guns and get ready!
The winning team is whoever has players still conscious after fierce combat! Bonus points for humiliation of downed players!
[[Let's begin->BeginGame]]
$Male1Name is $Male1Distance units away from the building. (if: $Male1Cover is 0)[He is exposed.] (if: $Male1Cover is 1)[He has partial cover.] (if: $Male1Cover is 2)[He has good cover.]
$Male2Name is $Male2Distance units away from the building. (if: $Male2Cover is 0)[He is exposed.] (if: $Male2Cover is 1)[He has partial cover.](if: $Male2Cover is 2)[He has good cover.]
$Male3Name is $Male3Distance units away from the building. (if: $Male3Cover is 0)[He is exposed.] (if: $Male3Cover is 1)[He has partial cover.] (if: $Male3Cover is 2)[He has good cover.]
$Female1Name is $Female1Advance units away from the building. (if: $Female1Cover is 0)[She is exposed.] (if: $Female1Cover is 1)[She has partial cover.] (if: $Female1Cover is 2)[She has good cover.]
$Female2Name is $Female2Advance units away from the building. (if: $Female2Cover is 0)[She is exposed.] (if: $Female2Cover is 1)[She has partial cover.] (if: $Female2Cover is 2)[She has good cover.]
$Female3Name is $Female3Advance units away from the building. (if: $Female3Cover is 0)[She is exposed.] (if: $Female3Cover is 1)[She has partial cover.] (if: $Female3Cover is 2)[She has good cover.]
[[Begin Round->FemaleAction1]]
ACTION PHASE: $Female1Name
(if: $Female1Unconscious is 1)[
$Female1Name continues to groan and roll around in pain. She is effectively out of the fight...
(if: $Female1Humiliated is 1)[In addition, she has been stripped!]
<img src="https://brandtake.neocities.org/TwineGames/ForestBattle/BeccaUnconscious.jpg">
(if: $Female1Unconscious is not 1)[
<img src="https://brandtake.neocities.org/TwineGames/ForestBattle/BeccaIntro.jpg">
$Female1Name is $Female1Advance units away from the building. (if: $Female1Cover is 0)[She is exposed.] (if: $Female1Cover is 1)[She has partial cover.] (if: $Female1Cover is 2)[She has good cover.]
Speed: $Female1Speed
HP: $Female1HP
Range: $Female1Range
Aim: $Female1Aim
Fighting Skill: $Female1Fighting
[[Fire Airsoft Gun->Female1FireGun]]
[[Take Cover->Female1TakeCover]]
]$Female1Name considers her targets in range.
<img src="https://brandtake.neocities.org/TwineGames/ForestBattle/BeccaFireGun.jpg">
(set: $Male1D to ($Male1Distance - $Female1Advance))
$Male1Name is at $Male1D distance. (if: $Male1Unconscious is 1)[(unconscios)]
(set: $Male2D to ($Male2Distance - $Female1Advance))
$Male2Name is at $Male2D distance. (if: $Male2Unconscious is 1)[(unconscios)]
(set: $Male3D to ($Male3Distance - $Female1Advance))
$Male3Name is at $Male3D distance. (if: $Male3Unconscious is 1)[(unconscios)]
(if: $Male1D <= $Female1Range)[
$Male1Name is $Male1D units away. Cover Level: $Male1Cover
(if: $Male2D <= $Female1Range)[
$Male2Name is $Male2D units away. Cover Level: $Male2Cover
(if: $Male3D <= $Female1Range)[
$Male3Name is $Male3D units away. Cover Level: $Male3Cover
[[No targets in range?->Male1Action]]$Female1Name runs behind a more durable cover to protect herself from fire.
<img src="https://brandtake.neocities.org/TwineGames/ForestBattle/BeccaTakeCover.jpg">
(set: $Female1Cover to ($Female1Cover + 1))
(if: $Female1Cover > 2)[(set: $Female1Cover to 2)]
Cover level is now at $Female1Cover
[[Jolly good->Male1Action]]$Female1Name runs out towards the attackers!
<img src="https://brandtake.neocities.org/TwineGames/ForestBattle/BeccaAdvance.jpg">
(set: $Female1Advance to ($Female1Advance + 1))
She has now advanced $Female1Advance units from the building.
(set: $SpeedAdvantage to (random:0, 10))
(if: $Female1Speed <= $SpeedAdvantage)[She manages to run fast enough to a position maintaining her current level of cover.]
(if: $Female1Speed > $SpeedAdvantage)[
Unfortunately she isn't fast enough to get to cover, and loses her current level of cover.
(set: $Female1Cover to 0)
[[Right on->Male1Action]]$Female1Name withdraws back towards the building.
(set: $Female1Advance to ($Female1Advance - 1))
(if: $Female1Advance < 0)[(set: $Female1Advance to 0)]
She has now advanced $Female1Advance units from the building.
(set: $SpeedAdvantage to (random:0, 10))
(if: $Female1Speed <= $SpeedAdvantage)[She manages to run fast enough to a position maintaining her current level of cover.]
(if: $Female1Speed > $SpeedAdvantage)[
Unfortunately she isn't fast enough to get to cover, and loses her current level of cover.
(set: $Female1Cover to 0)
[[Right on->Male1Action]]$Female1Name considers who she can go after!
(if: $Male1Distance is $Female1Advance)[
$Male1Name is here! (if: $Male1Unconscious is 1)[However, he is already unconscious.]
(if: $Male2Distance is $Female1Advance)[
$Male2Name is here! (if: $Male2Unconscious is 1)[However, he is already unconscious.]
(if: $Male3Distance is $Female1Advance)[
$Male3Name is here! (if: $Male3Unconscious is 1)[However, he is already unconscious.]
[[No targets in range?->Male1Action]]$Female1Name eyes a potential victim to humiliate as a way to break the other side's morale!
(if: $Male1Distance is $Female1Advance and $Male1Unconscious is 1)[
$Male1Name is here! (if: $Male1Humiliated is 1)[However, someone already has stripped him of his clothes...]
[[Get to work!->Female1HumiliateMale1]]
(if: $Male2Distance is $Female1Advance and $Male2Unconscious is 1)[
$Male2Name is here! (if: $Male2Humiliated is 1)[However, someone already has stripped him of his clothes...]
[[Get to work!->Female1HumiliateMale2]]
(if: $Male3Distance is $Female1Advance and $Male3Unconscious is 1)[
$Male3Name is here! (if: $Male3Humiliated is 1)[However, someone already has stripped him of his clothes...]
[[Get to work!->Female1HumiliateMale3]]
[[No targets in range?->Male1Action]]$Female1Name kneels down, takes careful aim at $Male1Name, and pulls the trigger...
(set: $LuckyShot to (random:1, 100))
(if: $Male1Cover is 1)[(set: $LuckyShot to $LuckyShot - 10)]
(if: $Male1Cover is 2)[(set: $LuckyShot to $LuckyShot - 20)]
(if: $LuckyShot <= $Female1Aim)
The shot connects!
(set: $ShotImpact to (random:1, 3))
(if: $ShotImpact is 1)[
A glancing blow to the shoulder briefly knocks $Male1Name in pain.
<img src="https://brandtake.neocities.org/TwineGames/ForestBattle/JerryHitShoulder.jpg">
(set: $Male1HP to ($Male1HP - 10))
(if: $ShotImpact is 2)[
The shot connects full force to his chest, knocking him to the ground.
<img src="https://brandtake.neocities.org/TwineGames/ForestBattle/JerryHitChest.jpg">
(set: $Male1HP to ($Male1HP - 30))
(if: $ShotImpact is 3)[
The shot manages to slam into his groin! $Male1Name screams in pain and grabs his shattered testicles.
<img src="https://brandtake.neocities.org/TwineGames/ForestBattle/JerryGroinHit.jpg">
(set: $Male1HP to ($Male1HP - 60))
His HP is now at $Male1HP
(if: $Male1HP < 0)[
(set: $Male1HP to 0)
(set: $Male1Unconscious to 1)
$Male1Name is effectively subdued, laying in pain and agony and no longer able to participate in the fight...
(if: $LuckyShot > $Female1Aim)
[The shot misses him.]
[[Move on->Male1Action]]$Female1Name kneels down, takes careful aim at $Male2Name, and pulls the trigger...
(set: $LuckyShot to (random:1, 100))
(if: $Male2Cover is 1)[(set: $LuckyShot to $LuckyShot - 10)]
(if: $Male2Cover is 2)[(set: $LuckyShot to $LuckyShot - 20)]
(if: $LuckyShot <= $Female1Aim)
The shot connects!
(set: $ShotImpact to (random:1, 3))
(if: $ShotImpact is 1)[
A glancing blow to the shoulder briefly knocks $Male2Name in pain.
<img src="https://brandtake.neocities.org/TwineGames/ForestBattle/GeorgeHitShoulder.jpg">
(set: $Male2HP to ($Male2HP - 10))
(if: $ShotImpact is 2)[
The shot connects full force to his chest, knocking him to the ground.
<img src="https://brandtake.neocities.org/TwineGames/ForestBattle/GeorgeHitChest.jpg">
(set: $Male2HP to ($Male2HP - 30))
(if: $ShotImpact is 3)[
The shot manages to slam into his groin! $Male2Name screams in pain and grabs his shattered testicles.
<img src="https://brandtake.neocities.org/TwineGames/ForestBattle/GeorgeGroinHit.jpg">
(set: $Male2HP to ($Male2HP - 60))
His HP is now at $Male2HP
(if: $Male2HP < 0)[
(set: $Male2HP to 0)
(set: $Male2Unconscious to 1)
$Male2Name is effectively subdued, laying in pain and agony and no longer able to participate in the fight...
(if: $LuckyShot > $Female1Aim)
[The shot misses him.]
[[Move on->Male1Action]] $Female1Name kneels down, takes careful aim at $Male3Name, and pulls the trigger...
(set: $LuckyShot to (random:1, 100))
(if: $Male3Cover is 1)[(set: $LuckyShot to $LuckyShot - 10)]
(if: $Male3Cover is 2)[(set: $LuckyShot to $LuckyShot - 20)]
(if: $LuckyShot <= $Female1Aim)
The shot connects!
(set: $ShotImpact to (random:1, 3))
(if: $ShotImpact is 1)[
A glancing blow to the shoulder briefly knocks $Male3Name in pain.
(set: $Male3HP to ($Male3HP - 10))
(if: $ShotImpact is 2)[
The shot connects full force to his chest, knocking him to the ground.
(set: $Male3HP to ($Male3HP - 30))
(if: $ShotImpact is 3)[
The shot manages to slam into his groin! $Male3Name screams in pain and grabs his shattered testicles.
(set: $Male3HP to ($Male3HP - 60))
His HP is now at $Male3HP
(if: $Male3HP < 0)[
(set: $Male3HP to 0)
(set: $Male3Unconscious to 1)
$Male3Name is effectively subdued, laying in pain and agony and no longer able to participate in the fight...
(if: $LuckyShot > $Female1Aim)
[The shot misses him.]
[[Move on->Male1Action]] ACTION PHASE: $Male1Name
(if: $Male1Unconscious is 1)[
$Male1Name continues to groan and roll around in pain. He is effectively out of the fight...
(if: $Male1Humiliated is 1)[Not only that, someone has stripped him to his underwear!]
<img src="https://brandtake.neocities.org/TwineGames/ForestBattle/JerryUnconscious.jpg">
(if: $Male1Unconscious is not 1)[
<img src="https://brandtake.neocities.org/TwineGames/ForestBattle/JerryIntro.jpg">
$Male1Name is $Male1Distance units away from the building. (if: $Male1Cover is 0)[He is exposed.] (if: $Male1Cover is 1)[He has partial cover.] (if: $Male1Cover is 2)[He has good cover.]
Speed: $Male1Speed
HP: $Male1HP
Range: $Male1Range
Aim: $Male1Aim
Fighting Skill: $Male1Fighting
[[Fire Airsoft Gun->Male1FireGun]]
[[Take Cover->Male1TakeCover]]
]$Male1Name considers his targets in range.
<img src="https://brandtake.neocities.org/TwineGames/ForestBattle/JerryFireGun.jpg">
(set: $Female1Distance to ($Male1Distance - $Female1Advance))
$Female1Name is at $Female1Distance distance.
(set: $Female2Distance to ($Male1Distance - $Female2Advance))
$Female2Name is at $Female2Distance distance.
(set: $Female3Distance to ($Male1Distance - $Female3Advance))
$Female3Name is at $Female3Distance distance.
(if: $Female1Distance <= $Male1Range)[
$Female1Name is $Female1Distance units away. Cover Level: $Female1Cover (if: $Female1Unconscious is 1)[However, she is already unconscious.]
(if: $Female2Distance <= $Male1Range)[
$Female2Name is $Female2Distance units away. Cover Level: $Female2Cover (if: $Female2Unconscious is 1)[However, she is already unconscious.]
(if: $Female3Distance <= $Male1Range)[
$Female3Name is $Female3Distance units away. Cover Level: $Female3Cover (if: $Female3Unconscious is 1)[However, she is already unconscious.]
[[No targets in range?->Female2Action]]$Male1Name runs behind a more durable cover to protect himself from fire.
(set: $Male1Cover to ($Male1Cover + 1))
(if: $Male1Cover > 2)[(set: $Male1Cover to 2)]
Cover level is now at $Male1Cover
[[Jolly good->Female2Action]]$Male1Name advances towards the building!
<img src="https://brandtake.neocities.org/TwineGames/ForestBattle/JerryAdvance.jpg">
(set: $Male1Distance to ($Male1Distance - 1))
He is now $Male1Distance units from the building.
(set: $SpeedAdvantage to (random:0, 10))
(if: $Male1Speed <= $SpeedAdvantage)[He manages to run fast enough to a position maintaining his current level of cover.]
(if: $Male1Speed > $SpeedAdvantage)[
Unfortunately he isn't fast enough to get to cover, and loses his current level of cover.
(set: $Male1Cover to 0)
[[Right on->Female2Action]]$Male1Name withdraws back away from the building.
(set: $Male1Distance to ($Male1Distance + 1))
(if: $Male1Distance > 6)[(set: $Male1Distance to 6)]
He is now $Male1Distance units from the building.
(set: $SpeedAdvantage to (random:0, 10))
(if: $Male1Speed <= $SpeedAdvantage)[He manages to run fast enough to a position maintaining his current level of cover.]
(if: $Male1Speed > $SpeedAdvantage)[
Unfortunately he isn't fast enough to get to cover, and loses his current level of cover.
(set: $Male1Cover to 0)
[[Right on->Female2Action]]$Male1Name considers who he can go after!
(if: $Male1Distance is $Female1Advance)[
$Female1Name is here! (if: $Female1Unconscious is 1)[However, she is unconscious already.]
(if: $Male1Distance is $Female2Advance)[
$Female2Name is here! (if: $Female2Unconscious is 1)[However, she is unconscious already.]
(if: $Male1Distance is $Female3Advance)[
$Female3Name is here! (if: $Female3Unconscious is 1)[However, she is unconscious already.]
[[No targets in range?->Female2Action]]$Male1Name eyes a potential victim to humiliate as a way to break the other side's morale!
(if: $Male1Distance is $Female1Advance and $Female1Unconscious is 1)[
$Female1Name is here!
[[Get to work!->Male1HumiliateFemale1]]
(if: $Male1Distance is $Female2Advance and $Female2Unconscious is 1)[
$Female2Name is here!
[[Get to work!->Male1HumiliateFemale2]]
(if: $Male1Distance is $Female3Advance and $Female3Unconscious is 1)[
$Female3Name is here!
[[Get to work!->Male1HumiliateFemale3]]
[[No targets in range?->Female2Action]]ACTION PHASE: $Female2Name
(if: $Female2Unconscious is 1)[
$Female2Name continues to groan and roll around in pain. She is effectively out of the fight... (if: $Female2Humiliated is 1)[Not only that, but someone has managed to strip her to her underwear!]
<img src="https://brandtake.neocities.org/TwineGames/ForestBattle/DonnabelleUnconscious.jpg">
(if: $Female2Unconscious is not 1)[
$Female2Name is $Female2Advance units away from the building. (if: $Female2Cover is 0)[She is exposed.] (if: $Female2Cover is 1)[She has partial cover.] (if: $Female2Cover is 2)[She has good cover.]
<img src="https://brandtake.neocities.org/TwineGames/ForestBattle/DonnabelleIntro.jpg">
Speed: $Female2Speed
HP: $Female2HP
Range: $Female2Range
Aim: $Female2Aim
Fighting Skill: $Female2Fighting
[[Fire Airsoft Gun->Female2FireGun]]
[[Take Cover->Female2TakeCover]]
]$Male1Name kneels down, takes careful aim at $Female1Name, and pulls the trigger...
(set: $LuckyShot to (random:1, 100))
(if: $Female1Cover is 1)[(set: $LuckyShot to $LuckyShot - 10)]
(if: $Female1Cover is 2)[(set: $LuckyShot to $LuckyShot - 20)]
(if: $LuckyShot <= $Male1Aim)
The shot connects!
(set: $ShotImpact to (random:1, 3))
(if: $ShotImpact is 1)[
A glancing blow to the shoulder briefly knocks $Female1Name in pain.
<img src="https://brandtake.neocities.org/TwineGames/ForestBattle/BeccaHitShoulder.jpg">
(set: $Female1HP to ($Female1HP - 10))
(if: $ShotImpact is 2)[
The shot connects full force to her stomach, knocking her to the ground.
<img src="https://brandtake.neocities.org/TwineGames/ForestBattle/BeccaHitStomach.jpg">
(set: $Female1HP to ($Female1HP - 30))
(if: $ShotImpact is 3)[
The shot manages to slam into her breast! $Female1Name screams in pain.
<img src="https://brandtake.neocities.org/TwineGames/ForestBattle/BeccaHitBreast.jpg">
(set: $Female1HP to ($Female1HP - 35))
Her HP is now at $Female1HP
(if: $Female1HP < 0)[
(set: $Female1HP to 0)
(set: $Female1Unconscious to 1)
$Female1Name is effectively subdued, laying in pain and agony and no longer able to participate in the fight...
(if: $LuckyShot > $Male1Aim)
[The shot misses her.]
[[Move on->Female2Action]]$Male1Name kneels down, takes careful aim at $Female2Name, and pulls the trigger...
(set: $LuckyShot to (random:1, 100))
(if: $Female2Cover is 1)[(set: $LuckyShot to $LuckyShot - 10)]
(if: $Female2Cover is 2)[(set: $LuckyShot to $LuckyShot - 20)]
(if: $LuckyShot <= $Male1Aim)
The shot connects!
(set: $ShotImpact to (random:1, 3))
(if: $ShotImpact is 1)[
A glancing blow to the shoulder briefly knocks $Female2Name in pain.
<img src="https://brandtake.neocities.org/TwineGames/ForestBattle/DonnabelleHitShoulder.jpg">
(set: $Female2HP to ($Female2HP - 10))
(if: $ShotImpact is 2)[
The shot connects full force to her stomach, knocking her to the ground.
<img src="https://brandtake.neocities.org/TwineGames/ForestBattle/DonnabelleHitStomach.jpg">
(set: $Female2HP to ($Female2HP - 30))
(if: $ShotImpact is 3)[
The shot manages to slam into her breast! $Female2Name screams in pain.
<img src="https://brandtake.neocities.org/TwineGames/ForestBattle/DonnabelleHitBreast.jpg">
(set: $Female2HP to ($Female2HP - 35))
Her HP is now at $Female2HP
(if: $Female2HP < 0)[
(set: $Female2HP to 0)
(set: $Female2Unconscious to 1)
$Female2Name is effectively subdued, laying in pain and agony and no longer able to participate in the fight...
(if: $LuckyShot > $Male1Aim)
[The shot misses her.]
[[Move on->Female2Action]]$Male1Name kneels down, takes careful aim at $Female3Name, and pulls the trigger...
(set: $LuckyShot to (random:1, 100))
(if: $Female3Cover is 1)[(set: $LuckyShot to $LuckyShot - 10)]
(if: $Female3Cover is 2)[(set: $LuckyShot to $LuckyShot - 20)]
(if: $LuckyShot <= $Male1Aim)
The shot connects!
(set: $ShotImpact to (random:1, 3))
(if: $ShotImpact is 1)[
A glancing blow to the shoulder briefly knocks $Female3Name in pain.
(set: $Female3HP to ($Female3HP - 10))
(if: $ShotImpact is 2)[
The shot connects full force to her stomach, knocking her to the ground.
(set: $Female3HP to ($Female3HP - 30))
(if: $ShotImpact is 3)[
The shot manages to slam into her breast! $Female3Name screams in pain.
(set: $Female3HP to ($Female3HP - 35))
Her HP is now at $Female3HP
(if: $Female3HP < 0)[
(set: $Female3HP to 0)
(set: $Female3Unconscious to 1)
$Female3Name is effectively subdued, laying in pain and agony and no longer able to participate in the fight...
(if: $LuckyShot > $Male1Aim)
[The shot misses her.]
[[Move on->Female2Action]]$Female1Name has a fighting skill level of $Female1Fighting and HP of $Female1HP
$Male1Name has a fighting skill level of $Male1Fighting and HP of $Male1HP
(set: $FightDice to (random:1, 6))
(set: $DefendDice to (random:1, 6))
(set: $TotalFemPower to $FightDice + $Female1Fighting)
(set: $TotalManPower to $DefendDice + $Male1Fighting)
(if: $TotalFemPower >= $TotalManPower)[
(set: $Difference to ($TotalFemPower - $TotalManPower))
(if: $Difference is 0)[$Male1Name seems a bit taken aback but manages to raise his fists in time to block $Female1Name, but she manages to follow it up with a heel to the shin. (set: $DamageDone to 15)]
(if: $Difference is 1 or 2)[$Female1Name dives onto $Male1Name, punching him a couple times before he manages to throw her off. (set: $DamageDone to 45)]
(if: $Difference is 3 or 4)[$Female1Name manages a roundhouse kick right to $Male1Name's jaw, sending him splayed to the ground. (set: $DamageDone to 70)]
(if: $Difference is > 4)[$Female1Name takes $Male1Name by surprise, grabbing him by the shoulders. Before he can react, she powers her knee straight into his groin! (set: $DamageDone to 90)]
(set: $Male1HP to ($Male1HP - $DamageDone))
His HP is now at $Male1HP
(if: $Male1HP < 0)[He gasps in pain and mercifully loses consciousness. (set: $Male1HP to 0) (set: $Male1Unconscious to 1)]
(if: $TotalFemPower < $TotalManPower)[
$Male1Name manages to dodge her frantic attack and push her away.
[[Right on->Male1Action]]$Female1Name has a fighting skill level of $Female1Fighting and HP of $Female1HP
$Male2Name has a fighting skill level of $Male2Fighting and HP of $Male2HP
(set: $FightDice to (random:1, 6))
(set: $DefendDice to (random:1, 6))
(set: $TotalFemPower to $FightDice + $Female1Fighting)
(set: $TotalManPower to $DefendDice + $Male2Fighting)
(if: $TotalFemPower >= $TotalManPower)[
(set: $Difference to ($TotalFemPower - $TotalManPower))
(if: $Difference is 0)[$Male2Name seems a bit taken aback but manages to raise his fists in time to block $Female1Name, but she manages to follow it up with a heel to the shin. (set: $DamageDone to 15)]
(if: $Difference is 1 or 2)[$Female1Name dives onto $Male2Name, punching him a couple times before he manages to throw her off. (set: $DamageDone to 45)]
(if: $Difference is 3 or 4)[$Female1Name manages a roundhouse kick right to $Male2Name's jaw, sending him splayed to the ground. (set: $DamageDone to 70)]
(if: $Difference is > 4)[$Female1Name takes $Male2Name by surprise, grabbing him by the shoulders. Before he can react, she powers her knee straight into his groin! (set: $DamageDone to 90)]
(set: $Male2HP to ($Male2HP - $DamageDone))
His HP is now at $Male2HP
(if: $Male2HP < 0)[He gasps in pain and mercifully loses consciousness. (set: $Male2HP to 0) (set: $Male2Unconscious to 1)]
(if: $TotalFemPower < $TotalManPower)[
$Male2Name manages to dodge her frantic attack and push her away.
[[Right on->Male1Action]]$Female1Name has a fighting skill level of $Female1Fighting and HP of $Female1HP
$Male3Name has a fighting skill level of $Male3Fighting and HP of $Male3HP
(set: $FightDice to (random:1, 6))
(set: $DefendDice to (random:1, 6))
(set: $TotalFemPower to $FightDice + $Female1Fighting)
(set: $TotalManPower to $DefendDice + $Male3Fighting)
(if: $TotalFemPower >= $TotalManPower)[
(set: $Difference to ($TotalFemPower - $TotalManPower))
(if: $Difference is 0)[$Male3Name seems a bit taken aback but manages to raise his fists in time to block $Female1Name, but she manages to follow it up with a heel to the shin. (set: $DamageDone to 15)]
(if: $Difference is 1 or 2)[$Female1Name dives onto $Male3Name, punching him a couple times before he manages to throw her off. (set: $DamageDone to 45)]
(if: $Difference is 3 or 4)[$Female1Name manages a roundhouse kick right to $Male3Name's jaw, sending him splayed to the ground. (set: $DamageDone to 70)]
(if: $Difference is > 4)[$Female1Name takes $Male3Name by surprise, grabbing him by the shoulders. Before he can react, she powers her knee straight into his groin! (set: $DamageDone to 90)]
(set: $Male3HP to ($Male3HP - $DamageDone))
His HP is now at $Male3HP
(if: $Male3HP < 0)[He gasps in pain and mercifully loses consciousness. (set: $Male3HP to 0) (set: $Male3Unconscious to 1)]
(if: $TotalFemPower < $TotalManPower)[
$Male3Name manages to dodge her frantic attack and push her away.
[[Right on->Male1Action]]$Female1Name reaches down and quickly unbuckles $Male1Name's belt and tugs his jeans down below his waist as her friends cheer her on. Before long she has him completely stripped to his underwear. $Female1Name cheers like a banshee and throws his clothes back towards home base!
He'll have a hard time explaining this when he wakes up!
(set: $Male1Humiliated to 1)
[[Awesome!->Male1Action]]$Female1Name reaches down and quickly unbuckles $Male2Name's belt and tugs his jeans down below his waist as her friends cheer her on. Before long she has him completely stripped to his underwear. $Female1Name cheers like a banshee and throws his clothes back towards home base!
He'll have a hard time explaining this when he wakes up!
(set: $Male2Humiliated to 1)
[[Awesome!->Male1Action]]$Female1Name reaches down and quickly unbuckles $Male3Name's belt and tugs his jeans down below his waist as her friends cheer her on. Before long she has him completely stripped to his underwear. $Female1Name cheers like a banshee and throws his clothes back towards home base!
He'll have a hard time explaining this when he wakes up!
(set: $Male3Humiliated to 1)
[[Awesome!->Male1Action]]$Female2Name considers her targets in range.
(set: $Male1D to ($Male1Distance - $Female2Advance))
$Male1Name is at $Male1D distance. (if: $Male1Unconscious is 1)[(unconscios)]
(set: $Male2D to ($Male2Distance - $Female2Advance))
$Male2Name is at $Male2D distance. (if: $Male2Unconscious is 1)[(unconscios)]
(set: $Male3D to ($Male3Distance - $Female2Advance))
$Male3Name is at $Male3D distance. (if: $Male3Unconscious is 1)[(unconscios)]
(if: $Male1D <= $Female2Range)[
$Male1Name is $Male1D units away. Cover Level: $Male1Cover
(if: $Male2D <= $Female2Range)[
$Male2Name is $Male2D units away. Cover Level: $Male2Cover
(if: $Male3D <= $Female2Range)[
$Male3Name is $Male3D units away. Cover Level: $Male3Cover
[[No targets in range?->Male2Action]]$Female2Name runs behind a more durable cover to protect herself from fire.
<img src="https://brandtake.neocities.org/TwineGames/ForestBattle/DonnabelleTakeCover.jpg">
(set: $Female2Cover to ($Female2Cover + 1))
(if: $Female2Cover > 2)[(set: $Female2Cover to 2)]
Cover level is now at $Female2Cover
[[Jolly good->Male2Action]]$Female2Name runs out towards the attackers!
<img src="https://brandtake.neocities.org/TwineGames/ForestBattle/DonnabelleAdvance.jpg">
(set: $Female2Advance to ($Female2Advance + 1))
She has now advanced $Female2Advance units from the building.
(set: $SpeedAdvantage to (random:0, 10))
(if: $Female2Speed <= $SpeedAdvantage)[She manages to run fast enough to a position maintaining her current level of cover.]
(if: $Female2Speed > $SpeedAdvantage)[
Unfortunately she isn't fast enough to get to cover, and loses her current level of cover.
(set: $Female2Cover to 0)
[[Right on->Male2Action]]$Female2Name withdraws back towards the building.
(set: $Female2Advance to ($Female2Advance - 1))
(if: $Female2Advance < 0)[(set: $Female2Advance to 0)]
She has now advanced $Female2Advance units from the building.
(set: $SpeedAdvantage to (random:0, 10))
(if: $Female2Speed <= $SpeedAdvantage)[She manages to run fast enough to a position maintaining her current level of cover.]
(if: $Female2Speed > $SpeedAdvantage)[
Unfortunately she isn't fast enough to get to cover, and loses her current level of cover.
(set: $Female2Cover to 0)
[[Right on->Male2Action]]$Female2Name considers who she can go after!
(if: $Male1Distance is $Female2Advance)[
$Male1Name is here! (if: $Male1Unconscious is 1)[However, he is unconscious already.]
(if: $Male2Distance is $Female2Advance)[
$Male2Name is here! (if: $Male2Unconscious is 1)[However, he is unconscious already.]
(if: $Male3Distance is $Female2Advance)[
$Male3Name is here! (if: $Male3Unconscious is 1)[However, he is unconscious already.]
[[No targets in range?->Male2Action]]$Female2Name eyes a potential victim to humiliate as a way to break the other side's morale!
(if: $Male1Distance is $Female2Advance and $Male1Unconscious is 1)[
$Male1Name is here!
[[Get to work!->Female2HumiliateMale1]]
(if: $Male2Distance is $Female2Advance and $Male2Unconscious is 1)[
$Male2Name is here!
[[Get to work!->Female2HumiliateMale2]]
(if: $Male3Distance is $Female2Advance and $Male3Unconscious is 1)[
$Male3Name is here!
[[Get to work!->Female2HumiliateMale3]]
[[No targets in range?->Male2Action]]$Female2Name kneels down, takes careful aim at $Male1Name, and pulls the trigger...
(set: $LuckyShot to (random:1, 100))
(if: $Male1Cover is 1)[(set: $LuckyShot to $LuckyShot - 10)]
(if: $Male1Cover is 2)[(set: $LuckyShot to $LuckyShot - 20)]
(if: $LuckyShot <= $Female2Aim)
The shot connects!
(set: $ShotImpact to (random:1, 3))
(if: $ShotImpact is 1)[
A glancing blow to the shoulder briefly knocks $Male1Name in pain.
<img src="https://brandtake.neocities.org/TwineGames/ForestBattle/JerryHitShoulder.jpg">
(set: $Male1HP to ($Male1HP - 10))
(if: $ShotImpact is 2)[
The shot connects full force to his chest, knocking him to the ground.
<img src="https://brandtake.neocities.org/TwineGames/ForestBattle/JerryHitChest.jpg">
(set: $Male1HP to ($Male1HP - 30))
(if: $ShotImpact is 3)[
The shot manages to slam into his groin! $Male1Name screams in pain and grabs his shattered testicles.
<img src="https://brandtake.neocities.org/TwineGames/ForestBattle/JerryGroinHit.jpg">
(set: $Male1HP to ($Male1HP - 60))
His HP is now at $Male1HP
(if: $Male1HP < 0)[
(set: $Male1HP to 0)
(set: $Male1Unconscious to 1)
$Male1Name is effectively subdued, laying in pain and agony and no longer able to participate in the fight...
(if: $LuckyShot > $Female2Aim)
[The shot misses him.]
[[Move on->Male2Action]]$Female2Name kneels down, takes careful aim at $Male2Name, and pulls the trigger...
(set: $LuckyShot to (random:1, 100))
(if: $Male2Cover is 1)[(set: $LuckyShot to $LuckyShot - 10)]
(if: $Male2Cover is 2)[(set: $LuckyShot to $LuckyShot - 20)]
(if: $LuckyShot <= $Female2Aim)
The shot connects!
(set: $ShotImpact to (random:1, 3))
(if: $ShotImpact is 1)[
A glancing blow to the shoulder briefly knocks $Male2Name in pain.
<img src="https://brandtake.neocities.org/TwineGames/ForestBattle/GeorgeHitShoulder.jpg">
(set: $Male2HP to ($Male2HP - 10))
(if: $ShotImpact is 2)[
The shot connects full force to his chest, knocking him to the ground.
<img src="https://brandtake.neocities.org/TwineGames/ForestBattle/GeorgeHitChest.jpg">
(set: $Male2HP to ($Male2HP - 30))
(if: $ShotImpact is 3)[
The shot manages to slam into his groin! $Male2Name screams in pain and grabs his shattered testicles.
<img src="https://brandtake.neocities.org/TwineGames/ForestBattle/GeorgeGroinHit.jpg">
(set: $Male2HP to ($Male2HP - 60))
His HP is now at $Male2HP
(if: $Male2HP < 0)[
(set: $Male2HP to 0)
(set: $Male2Unconscious to 1)
$Male2Name is effectively subdued, laying in pain and agony and no longer able to participate in the fight...
(if: $LuckyShot > $Female2Aim)
[The shot misses him.]
[[Move on->Male2Action]]$Female2Name kneels down, takes careful aim at $Male3Name, and pulls the trigger...
(set: $LuckyShot to (random:1, 100))
(if: $Male3Cover is 1)[(set: $LuckyShot to $LuckyShot - 10)]
(if: $Male3Cover is 2)[(set: $LuckyShot to $LuckyShot - 20)]
(if: $LuckyShot <= $Female2Aim)
The shot connects!
(set: $ShotImpact to (random:1, 3))
(if: $ShotImpact is 1)[
A glancing blow to the shoulder briefly knocks $Male3Name in pain.
(set: $Male3HP to ($Male3HP - 10))
(if: $ShotImpact is 2)[
The shot connects full force to his chest, knocking him to the ground.
(set: $Male3HP to ($Male3HP - 30))
(if: $ShotImpact is 3)[
The shot manages to slam into his groin! $Male3Name screams in pain and grabs his shattered testicles.
(set: $Male3HP to ($Male3HP - 60))
His HP is now at $Male3HP
(if: $Male3HP < 0)[
(set: $Male3HP to 0)
(set: $Male3Unconscious to 1)
$Male3Name is effectively subdued, laying in pain and agony and no longer able to participate in the fight...
(if: $LuckyShot > $Female2Aim)
[The shot misses him.]
[[Move on->Male2Action]] ACTION PHASE: $Male2Name
(if: $Male2Unconscious is 1)[
$Male2Name continues to groan and roll around in pain. He is effectively out of the fight... (if: $Male2Humiliated is 1)[Not only that, somewhat has stripped him to his underwear!]
<img src="https://brandtake.neocities.org/TwineGames/ForestBattle/GeorgeUnconscious.jpg">
(if: $Male2Unconscious is not 1)[
$Male2Name is $Male2Distance units away from the building. (if: $Male2Cover is 0)[He is exposed.] (if: $Male2Cover is 1)[He has partial cover.] (if: $Male2Cover is 2)[He has good cover.]
<img src="https://brandtake.neocities.org/TwineGames/ForestBattle/GeorgeIntro.jpg">
Speed: $Male2Speed
HP: $Male2HP
Range: $Male2Range
Aim: $Male2Aim
Fighting Skill: $Male2Fighting
[[Fire Airsoft Gun->Male2FireGun]]
[[Take Cover->Male2TakeCover]]
]$Male2Name considers his targets in range.
<img src="https://brandtake.neocities.org/TwineGames/ForestBattle/GeorgeFireGun.jpg">
(set: $Female1Distance to ($Male2Distance - $Female1Advance))
$Female1Name is at $Female1Distance distance. (if: $Female1Unconscious is 1)[(unconscios)]
(set: $Female2Distance to ($Male2Distance - $Female2Advance))
$Female2Name is at $Female2Distance distance. (if: $Female2Unconscious is 1)[(unconscios)]
(set: $Female3Distance to ($Male2Distance - $Female3Advance))
$Female3Name is at $Female3Distance distance. (if: $Female3Unconscious is 1)[(unconscios)]
(if: $Female1Distance <= $Male2Range)[
$Female1Name is $Female1Distance units away. Cover Level: $Female1Cover
(if: $Female2Distance <= $Male2Range)[
$Female2Name is $Female2Distance units away. Cover Level: $Female2Cover
(if: $Female3Distance <= $Male2Range)[
$Female3Name is $Female3Distance units away. Cover Level: $Female3Cover
[[No targets in range?->Female3Action]]$Male2Name runs behind a more durable cover to protect himself from fire.
<img src="https://brandtake.neocities.org/TwineGames/ForestBattle/GeorgeTakeCover.jpg">
(set: $Male2Cover to ($Male2Cover + 1))
(if: $Male2Cover > 2)[(set: $Male2Cover to 2)]
Cover level is now at $Male2Cover
[[Jolly good->Female3Action]]$Male2Name advances towards the building!
<img src="https://brandtake.neocities.org/TwineGames/ForestBattle/GeorgeAdvance.jpg">
(set: $Male2Distance to ($Male2Distance - 1))
He is now $Male2Distance units from the building.
(set: $SpeedAdvantage to (random:0, 10))
(if: $Male2Speed <= $SpeedAdvantage)[He manages to run fast enough to a position maintaining his current level of cover.]
(if: $Male2Speed > $SpeedAdvantage)[
Unfortunately he isn't fast enough to get to cover, and loses his current level of cover.
(set: $Male2Cover to 0)
[[Right on->Female3Action]]$Male2Name withdraws back away from the building.
(set: $Male2Distance to ($Male2Distance + 1))
(if: $Male2Distance > 6)[(set: $Male2Distance to 6)]
He is now $Male2Distance units from the building.
(set: $SpeedAdvantage to (random:0, 10))
(if: $Male2Speed <= $SpeedAdvantage)[He manages to run fast enough to a position maintaining his current level of cover.]
(if: $Male2Speed > $SpeedAdvantage)[
Unfortunately he isn't fast enough to get to cover, and loses his current level of cover.
(set: $Male2Cover to 0)
[[Right on->Female3Action]]$Male2Name considers who he can go after!
(if: $Male2Distance is $Female1Advance)[
$Female1Name is here! (if: $Female1Unconscious is 1)[However, she is unconscious already.]
(if: $Male2Distance is $Female2Advance)[
$Female2Name is here! (if: $Female2Unconscious is 1)[However, she is unconscious already.]
(if: $Male2Distance is $Female3Advance)[
$Female3Name is here! (if: $Female3Unconscious is 1)[However, she is unconscious already.]
[[No targets in range?->Female3Action]]$Male2Name eyes a potential victim to humiliate as a way to break the other side's morale!
(if: $Male2Distance is $Female1Advance and $Female1Unconscious is 1)[
$Female1Name is here!
[[Get to work!->Male2HumiliateFemale1]]
(if: $Male2Distance is $Female2Advance and $Female2Unconscious is 1)[
$Female2Name is here!
[[Get to work!->Male2HumiliateFemale2]]
(if: $Male2Distance is $Female3Advance and $Female3Unconscious is 1)[
$Female3Name is here!
[[Get to work!->Male2HumiliateFemale3]]
[[No targets in range?->Female3Action]]ACTION PHASE: $Female3Name
(if: $Female3Unconscious is 1)[
$Female3Name continues to groan and roll around in pain. She is effectively out of the fight...
(if: $Female3Humiliated is 1)[In addition, she has been stripped!]
(if: $Female3Unconscious is not 1)[
$Female3Name is $Female3Advance units away from the building. (if: $Female3Cover is 0)[She is exposed.] (if: $Female3Cover is 1)[She has partial cover.] (if: $Female3Cover is 2)[She has good cover.]
<img src="https://brandtake.neocities.org/TwineGames/ForestBattle/SharonIntro.jpg">
Speed: $Female3Speed
HP: $Female3HP
Range: $Female3Range
Aim: $Female3Aim
Fighting Skill: $Female3Fighting
[[Fire Airsoft Gun->Female3FireGun]]
[[Take Cover->Female3TakeCover]]
]$Female3Name considers her targets in range.
<img src="https://brandtake.neocities.org/TwineGames/ForestBattle/SharonFireGun.jpg">
(set: $Male1D to ($Male1Distance - $Female3Advance))
$Male1Name is at $Male1D distance. (if: $Male1Unconscious is 1)[(unconscios)]
(set: $Male2D to ($Male2Distance - $Female3Advance))
$Male2Name is at $Male2D distance. (if: $Male2Unconscious is 1)[(unconscios)]
(set: $Male3D to ($Male3Distance - $Female3Advance))
$Male3Name is at $Male3D distance. (if: $Male3Unconscious is 1)[(unconscios)]
(if: $Male1D <= $Female3Range)[
$Male1Name is $Male1D units away. Cover Level: $Male1Cover
(if: $Male2D <= $Female3Range)[
$Male2Name is $Male2D units away. Cover Level: $Male2Cover
(if: $Male3D <= $Female3Range)[
$Male3Name is $Male3D units away. Cover Level: $Male3Cover
[[No targets in range?->Male3Action]]$Female3Name runs behind a more durable cover to protect herself from fire.
<img src="https://brandtake.neocities.org/TwineGames/ForestBattle/SharonTakeCover.jpg">
(set: $Female3Cover to ($Female3Cover + 1))
(if: $Female3Cover > 2)[(set: $Female3Cover to 2)]
Cover level is now at $Female3Cover
[[Jolly good->Male3Action]]$Female3Name runs out towards the attackers!
(set: $Female3Advance to ($Female3Advance + 1))
She has now advanced $Female3Advance units from the building.
(set: $SpeedAdvantage to (random:0, 10))
(if: $Female3Speed <= $SpeedAdvantage)[She manages to run fast enough to a position maintaining her current level of cover.]
(if: $Female3Speed > $SpeedAdvantage)[
Unfortunately she isn't fast enough to get to cover, and loses her current level of cover.
(set: $Female3Cover to 0)
[[Right on->Male3Action]]$Female3Name withdraws back towards the building.
(set: $Female3Advance to ($Female3Advance - 1))
(if: $Female3Advance < 0)[(set: $Female3Advance to 0)]
She has now advanced $Female3Advance units from the building.
(set: $SpeedAdvantage to (random:0, 10))
(if: $Female3Speed <= $SpeedAdvantage)[She manages to run fast enough to a position maintaining her current level of cover.]
(if: $Female3Speed > $SpeedAdvantage)[
Unfortunately she isn't fast enough to get to cover, and loses her current level of cover.
(set: $Female3Cover to 0)
[[Right on->Male3Action]]$Female3Name considers who she can go after!
(if: $Male1Distance is $Female3Advance)[
$Male1Name is here! (if: $Male1Unconscious is 1)[However, he is unconscious already.]
(if: $Male2Distance is $Female3Advance)[
$Male2Name is here! (if: $Male2Unconscious is 1)[However, he is unconscious already.]
(if: $Male3Distance is $Female3Advance)[
$Male3Name is here! (if: $Male3Unconscious is 1)[However, he is unconscious already.]
[[No targets in range?->Male3Action]]$Female3Name eyes a potential victim to humiliate as a way to break the other side's morale!
(if: $Male1Distance is $Female3Advance and $Male1Unconscious is 1)[
$Male1Name is here!
[[Get to work!->Female3HumiliateMale1]]
(if: $Male2Distance is $Female3Advance and $Male2Unconscious is 1)[
$Male2Name is here!
[[Get to work!->Female3HumiliateMale2]]
(if: $Male3Distance is $Female3Advance and $Male3Unconscious is 1)[
$Male3Name is here!
[[Get to work!->Female3HumiliateMale3]]
[[No targets in range?->Male3Action]]$Female3Name kneels down, takes careful aim at $Male1Name, and pulls the trigger...
(set: $LuckyShot to (random:1, 100))
(if: $Male1Cover is 1)[(set: $LuckyShot to $LuckyShot - 10)]
(if: $Male1Cover is 2)[(set: $LuckyShot to $LuckyShot - 20)]
(if: $LuckyShot <= $Female3Aim)
The shot connects!
(set: $ShotImpact to (random:1, 3))
(if: $ShotImpact is 1)[
A glancing blow to the shoulder briefly knocks $Male1Name in pain.
<img src="https://brandtake.neocities.org/TwineGames/ForestBattle/JerryHitShoulder.jpg">
(set: $Male1HP to ($Male1HP - 10))
(if: $ShotImpact is 2)[
The shot connects full force to his chest, knocking him to the ground.
<img src="https://brandtake.neocities.org/TwineGames/ForestBattle/JerryHitChest.jpg">
(set: $Male1HP to ($Male1HP - 30))
(if: $ShotImpact is 3)[
The shot manages to slam into his groin! $Male1Name screams in pain and grabs his shattered testicles.
<img src="https://brandtake.neocities.org/TwineGames/ForestBattle/JerryGroinHit.jpg">
(set: $Male1HP to ($Male1HP - 60))
His HP is now at $Male1HP
(if: $Male1HP < 0)[
(set: $Male1HP to 0)
(set: $Male1Unconscious to 1)
$Male1Name is effectively subdued, laying in pain and agony and no longer able to participate in the fight...
(if: $LuckyShot > $Female3Aim)
[The shot misses him.]
[[Move on->Male3Action]]$Female3Name kneels down, takes careful aim at $Male2Name, and pulls the trigger...
(set: $LuckyShot to (random:1, 100))
(if: $Male2Cover is 1)[(set: $LuckyShot to $LuckyShot - 10)]
(if: $Male2Cover is 2)[(set: $LuckyShot to $LuckyShot - 20)]
(if: $LuckyShot <= $Female3Aim)
The shot connects!
(set: $ShotImpact to (random:1, 3))
(if: $ShotImpact is 1)[
A glancing blow to the shoulder briefly knocks $Male2Name in pain.
<img src="https://brandtake.neocities.org/TwineGames/ForestBattle/GeorgeHitShoulder.jpg">
(set: $Male2HP to ($Male2HP - 10))
(if: $ShotImpact is 2)[
The shot connects full force to his chest, knocking him to the ground.
<img src="https://brandtake.neocities.org/TwineGames/ForestBattle/GeorgeHitChest.jpg">
(set: $Male2HP to ($Male2HP - 30))
(if: $ShotImpact is 3)[
The shot manages to slam into his groin! $Male2Name screams in pain and grabs his shattered testicles.
<img src="https://brandtake.neocities.org/TwineGames/ForestBattle/GeorgeGroinHit.jpg">
(set: $Male2HP to ($Male2HP - 60))
His HP is now at $Male2HP
(if: $Male2HP < 0)[
(set: $Male2HP to 0)
(set: $Male2Unconscious to 1)
$Male2Name is effectively subdued, laying in pain and agony and no longer able to participate in the fight...
(if: $LuckyShot > $Female3Aim)
[The shot misses him.]
[[Move on->Male3Action]] $Female3Name kneels down, takes careful aim at $Male3Name, and pulls the trigger...
(set: $LuckyShot to (random:1, 100))
(if: $Male3Cover is 1)[(set: $LuckyShot to $LuckyShot - 10)]
(if: $Male3Cover is 2)[(set: $LuckyShot to $LuckyShot - 20)]
(if: $LuckyShot <= $Female3Aim)
The shot connects!
(set: $ShotImpact to (random:1, 3))
(if: $ShotImpact is 1)[
A glancing blow to the shoulder briefly knocks $Male3Name in pain.
(set: $Male3HP to ($Male3HP - 10))
(if: $ShotImpact is 2)[
The shot connects full force to his chest, knocking him to the ground.
(set: $Male3HP to ($Male3HP - 30))
(if: $ShotImpact is 3)[
The shot manages to slam into his groin! $Male3Name screams in pain and grabs his shattered testicles.
(set: $Male3HP to ($Male3HP - 60))
His HP is now at $Male3HP
(if: $Male3HP < 0)[
(set: $Male3HP to 0)
(set: $Male3Unconscious to 1)
$Male3Name is effectively subdued, laying in pain and agony and no longer able to participate in the fight...
(if: $LuckyShot > $Female3Aim)
[The shot misses him.]
[[Move on->Male3Action]] ACTION PHASE: $Male3Name
(if: $Male3Unconscious is 1)[
$Male3Name continues to groan and roll around in pain. He is effectively out of the fight...
(if: $Male3Humiliated is 1)[In addition, he has been stripped!]
(if: $Male3Unconscious is not 1)[
$Male3Name is $Male3Distance units away from the building. (if: $Male3Cover is 0)[He is exposed.] (if: $Male3Cover is 1)[He has partial cover.] (if: $Male3Cover is 2)[He has good cover.]
<img src="https://brandtake.neocities.org/TwineGames/ForestBattle/MatthewIntro.jpg">
Speed: $Male3Speed
HP: $Male3HP
Range: $Male3Range
Aim: $Male3Aim
Fighting Skill: $Male3Fighting
[[Fire Airsoft Gun->Male3FireGun]]
[[Take Cover->Male3TakeCover]]
]$Male3Name considers his targets in range.
<img src="https://brandtake.neocities.org/TwineGames/ForestBattle/MatthewFireGun.jpg">
(set: $Female1Distance to ($Male3Distance - $Female1Advance))
$Female1Name is at $Female1Distance distance. (if: $Female1Unconscious is 1)[(unconscios)]
(set: $Female2Distance to ($Male3Distance - $Female2Advance))
$Female2Name is at $Female2Distance distance. (if: $Female2Unconscious is 1)[(unconscios)]
(set: $Female3Distance to ($Male3Distance - $Female3Advance))
$Female3Name is at $Female3Distance distance. (if: $Female3Unconscious is 1)[(unconscios)]
(if: $Female1Distance <= $Male3Range)[
$Female1Name is $Female1Distance units away. Cover Level: $Female1Cover
(if: $Female2Distance <= $Male3Range)[
$Female2Name is $Female2Distance units away. Cover Level: $Female2Cover
(if: $Female3Distance <= $Male3Range)[
$Female3Name is $Female3Distance units away. Cover Level: $Female3Cover
[[No targets in range?->Assessment]]$Male3Name runs behind a more durable cover to protect himself from fire.
<img src="https://brandtake.neocities.org/TwineGames/ForestBattle/MatthewTakeCover.jpg">
(set: $Male3Cover to ($Male3Cover + 1))
(if: $Male3Cover > 2)[(set: $Male3Cover to 2)]
Cover level is now at $Male3Cover
[[Jolly good->Assessment]]$Male3Name advances towards the building!
(set: $Male3Distance to ($Male3Distance - 1))
He is now $Male3Distance units from the building.
<img src="https://brandtake.neocities.org/TwineGames/ForestBattle/MatthewAdvance.jpg">
(set: $SpeedAdvantage to (random:0, 10))
(if: $Male3Speed <= $SpeedAdvantage)[He manages to run fast enough to a position maintaining his current level of cover.]
(if: $Male3Speed > $SpeedAdvantage)[
Unfortunately he isn't fast enough to get to cover, and loses his current level of cover.
(set: $Male3Cover to 0)
[[Right on->Assessment]]$Male3Name withdraws back away from the building.
(set: $Male3Distance to ($Male3Distance + 1))
(if: $Male3Distance > 6)[(set: $Male3Distance to 6)]
He is now $Male3Distance units from the building.
(set: $SpeedAdvantage to (random:0, 10))
(if: $Male3Speed <= $SpeedAdvantage)[He manages to run fast enough to a position maintaining his current level of cover.]
(if: $Male3Speed > $SpeedAdvantage)[
Unfortunately he isn't fast enough to get to cover, and loses his current level of cover.
(set: $Male3Cover to 0)
[[Right on->Assessment]]$Male3Name considers who he can go after!
(if: $Male3Distance is $Female1Advance)[
$Female1Name is here! (if: $Female1Unconscious is 1)[However, she is unconscious already.]
(if: $Male3Distance is $Female2Advance)[
$Female2Name is here! (if: $Female2Unconscious is 1)[However, she is unconscious already.]
(if: $Male3Distance is $Female3Advance)[
$Female3Name is here! (if: $Female3Unconscious is 1)[However, she is unconscious already.]
[[No targets in range?->Assessment]]$Male3Name eyes a potential victim to humiliate as a way to break the other side's morale!
(if: $Male3Distance is $Female1Advance and $Female1Unconscious is 1)[
$Female1Name is here!
[[Get to work!->Male3HumiliateFemale1]]
(if: $Male3Distance is $Female2Advance and $Female2Unconscious is 1)[
$Female2Name is here!
[[Get to work!->Male3HumiliateFemale2]]
(if: $Male3Distance is $Female3Advance and $Female3Unconscious is 1)[
$Female3Name is here!
[[Get to work!->Male3HumiliateFemale3]]
[[No targets in range?->Assessment]]ASSESSMENT:
$Male1Name is $Male1Distance units away from the building. (if: $Male1Cover is 0)[He is exposed.] (if: $Male1Cover is 1)[He has partial cover.] (if: $Male1Cover is 2)[He has good cover.] (if: $Male1Unconscious is 1)[He is unconscious.] (if: $Male1Humiliated is 1)[He has also been stripped.]
$Male2Name is $Male2Distance units away from the building. (if: $Male2Cover is 0)[He is exposed.] (if: $Male2Cover is 1)[He has partial cover.](if: $Male2Cover is 2)[He has good cover.](if: $Male2Unconscious is 1)[He is unconscious.] (if: $Male2Humiliated is 1)[He has also been stripped.]
$Male3Name is $Male3Distance units away from the building. (if: $Male3Cover is 0)[He is exposed.] (if: $Male3Cover is 1)[He has partial cover.] (if: $Male3Cover is 2)[He has good cover.](if: $Male3Unconscious is 1)[He is unconscious.] (if: $Male3Humiliated is 1)[He has also been stripped.]
$Female1Name is $Female1Advance units away from the building. (if: $Female1Cover is 0)[She is exposed.] (if: $Female1Cover is 1)[She has partial cover.] (if: $Female1Cover is 2)[She has good cover.](if: $Female1Unconscious is 1)[She is unconscious.] (if: $Female1Humiliated is 1)[She has been stripped!]
$Female2Name is $Female2Advance units away from the building. (if: $Female2Cover is 0)[She is exposed.] (if: $Female2Cover is 1)[She has partial cover.] (if: $Female2Cover is 2)[She has good cover.](if: $Female2Unconscious is 1)[She is unconscious.] (if: $Female2Humiliated is 1)[She has been stripped!]
$Female3Name is $Female3Advance units away from the building. (if: $Female3Cover is 0)[She is exposed.] (if: $Female3Cover is 1)[She has partial cover.] (if: $Female3Cover is 2)[She has good cover.](if: $Female3Unconscious is 1)[She is unconscious.] (if: $Female3Humiliated is 1)[She has been stripped!]
(set: $TotalMaleHP to $Male1HP + $Male2HP + $Male3HP)
(set: $TotalFemaleHP to $Female1HP + $Female2HP + $Female3HP)
(if: $TotalMaleHP <= 0)[ It's celebration time! [[Celebration->EndGame]] ]
(if: $TotalFemaleHP <= 0)[ It's celebration time! [[Celebration->MalesWin]] ]
(if: $TotalFemaleHP > 0 and $TotalMaleHP > 0)[
[[Begin Round->FemaleAction1]]
]$Male2Name kneels down, takes careful aim at $Female1Name, and pulls the trigger...
(set: $LuckyShot to (random:1, 100))
(if: $Female1Cover is 1)[(set: $LuckyShot to $LuckyShot - 10)]
(if: $Female1Cover is 2)[(set: $LuckyShot to $LuckyShot - 20)]
(if: $LuckyShot <= $Male2Aim)
The shot connects!
(set: $ShotImpact to (random:1, 3))
(if: $ShotImpact is 1)[
A glancing blow to the shoulder briefly knocks $Female1Name in pain.
<img src="https://brandtake.neocities.org/TwineGames/ForestBattle/BeccaHitShoulder.jpg">
(set: $Female1HP to ($Female1HP - 10))
(if: $ShotImpact is 2)[
The shot connects full force to her stomach, knocking her to the ground.
<img src="https://brandtake.neocities.org/TwineGames/ForestBattle/BeccaHitStomach.jpg">
(set: $Female1HP to ($Female1HP - 30))
(if: $ShotImpact is 3)[
The shot manages to slam into her breast! $Female1Name screams in pain.
<img src="https://brandtake.neocities.org/TwineGames/ForestBattle/BeccaHitBreast.jpg">
(set: $Female1HP to ($Female1HP - 35))
Her HP is now at $Female1HP
(if: $Female1HP < 0)[
(set: $Female1HP to 0)
(set: $Female1Unconscious to 1)
$Female1Name is effectively subdued, laying in pain and agony and no longer able to participate in the fight...
(if: $LuckyShot > $Male2Aim)
[The shot misses her.]
[[Move on->Female3Action]]$Male2Name kneels down, takes careful aim at $Female2Name, and pulls the trigger...
(set: $LuckyShot to (random:1, 100))
(if: $Female2Cover is 1)[(set: $LuckyShot to $LuckyShot - 10)]
(if: $Female2Cover is 2)[(set: $LuckyShot to $LuckyShot - 20)]
(if: $LuckyShot <= $Male2Aim)
The shot connects!
(set: $ShotImpact to (random:1, 3))
(if: $ShotImpact is 1)[
A glancing blow to the shoulder briefly knocks $Female2Name in pain.
<img src="https://brandtake.neocities.org/TwineGames/ForestBattle/DonnabelleHitShoulder.jpg">
(set: $Female2HP to ($Female2HP - 10))
(if: $ShotImpact is 2)[
The shot connects full force to her stomach, knocking her to the ground.
<img src="https://brandtake.neocities.org/TwineGames/ForestBattle/DonnabelleHitStomach.jpg">
(set: $Female2HP to ($Female2HP - 30))
(if: $ShotImpact is 3)[
The shot manages to slam into her breast! $Female2Name screams in pain.
<img src="https://brandtake.neocities.org/TwineGames/ForestBattle/DonnabelleHitBreast.jpg">
(set: $Female2HP to ($Female2HP - 35))
Her HP is now at $Female2HP
(if: $Female2HP < 0)[
(set: $Female2HP to 0)
(set: $Female2Unconscious to 1)
$Female2Name is effectively subdued, laying in pain and agony and no longer able to participate in the fight...
(if: $LuckyShot > $Male2Aim)
[The shot misses her.]
[[Move on->Female3Action]]$Male2Name kneels down, takes careful aim at $Female3Name, and pulls the trigger...
(set: $LuckyShot to (random:1, 100))
(if: $Female3Cover is 1)[(set: $LuckyShot to $LuckyShot - 10)]
(if: $Female3Cover is 2)[(set: $LuckyShot to $LuckyShot - 20)]
(if: $LuckyShot <= $Male2Aim)
The shot connects!
(set: $ShotImpact to (random:1, 3))
(if: $ShotImpact is 1)[
A glancing blow to the shoulder briefly knocks $Female3Name in pain.
<img src="https://brandtake.neocities.org/TwineGames/ForestBattle/SharonHitShoulder.jpg">
(set: $Female3HP to ($Female3HP - 10))
(if: $ShotImpact is 2)[
The shot connects full force to her stomach, knocking her to the ground.
<img src="https://brandtake.neocities.org/TwineGames/ForestBattle/SharonHitStomach.jpg">
(set: $Female3HP to ($Female3HP - 30))
(if: $ShotImpact is 3)[
The shot manages to slam into her breast! $Female3Name screams in pain.
<img src="https://brandtake.neocities.org/TwineGames/ForestBattle/SharonHitBreast.jpg">
(set: $Female3HP to ($Female3HP - 35))
Her HP is now at $Female3HP
(if: $Female3HP < 0)[
(set: $Female3HP to 0)
(set: $Female3Unconscious to 1)
$Female3Name is effectively subdued, laying in pain and agony and no longer able to participate in the fight...
(if: $LuckyShot > $Male2Aim)
[The shot misses her.]
[[Move on->Female3Action]]$Male3Name kneels down, takes careful aim at $Female1Name, and pulls the trigger...
(set: $LuckyShot to (random:1, 100))
(if: $Female1Cover is 1)[(set: $LuckyShot to $LuckyShot - 10)]
(if: $Female1Cover is 2)[(set: $LuckyShot to $LuckyShot - 20)]
(if: $LuckyShot <= $Male3Aim)
The shot connects!
(set: $ShotImpact to (random:1, 3))
(if: $ShotImpact is 1)[
A glancing blow to the shoulder briefly knocks $Female1Name in pain.
<img src="https://brandtake.neocities.org/TwineGames/ForestBattle/BeccaHitShoulder.jpg">
(set: $Female1HP to ($Female1HP - 10))
(if: $ShotImpact is 2)[
The shot connects full force to her stomach, knocking her to the ground.
<img src="https://brandtake.neocities.org/TwineGames/ForestBattle/BeccaHitStomach.jpg">
(set: $Female1HP to ($Female1HP - 30))
(if: $ShotImpact is 3)[
The shot manages to slam into her breast! $Female1Name screams in pain.
<img src="https://brandtake.neocities.org/TwineGames/ForestBattle/BeccaHitBreast.jpg">
(set: $Female1HP to ($Female1HP - 35))
Her HP is now at $Female1HP
(if: $Female1HP < 0)[
(set: $Female1HP to 0)
(set: $Female1Unconscious to 1)
$Female1Name is effectively subdued, laying in pain and agony and no longer able to participate in the fight...
(if: $LuckyShot > $Male3Aim)
[The shot misses her.]
[[Move on->Assessment]]$Male3Name kneels down, takes careful aim at $Female2Name, and pulls the trigger...
(set: $LuckyShot to (random:1, 100))
(if: $Female2Cover is 1)[(set: $LuckyShot to $LuckyShot - 10)]
(if: $Female2Cover is 2)[(set: $LuckyShot to $LuckyShot - 20)]
(if: $LuckyShot <= $Male3Aim)
The shot connects!
(set: $ShotImpact to (random:1, 3))
(if: $ShotImpact is 1)[
A glancing blow to the shoulder briefly knocks $Female2Name in pain.
<img src="https://brandtake.neocities.org/TwineGames/ForestBattle/DonnabelleHitShoulder.jpg">
(set: $Female2HP to ($Female2HP - 10))
(if: $ShotImpact is 2)[
The shot connects full force to her stomach, knocking her to the ground.
<img src="https://brandtake.neocities.org/TwineGames/ForestBattle/DonnabelleHitStomach.jpg">
(set: $Female2HP to ($Female2HP - 30))
(if: $ShotImpact is 3)[
The shot manages to slam into her breast! $Female2Name screams in pain.
<img src="https://brandtake.neocities.org/TwineGames/ForestBattle/DonnabelleHitBreast.jpg">
(set: $Female2HP to ($Female2HP - 35))
Her HP is now at $Female2HP
(if: $Female2HP < 0)[
(set: $Female2HP to 0)
(set: $Female2Unconscious to 1)
$Female2Name is effectively subdued, laying in pain and agony and no longer able to participate in the fight...
(if: $LuckyShot > $Male3Aim)
[The shot misses her.]
[[Move on->Assessment]]$Male3Name kneels down, takes careful aim at $Female3Name, and pulls the trigger...
(set: $LuckyShot to (random:1, 100))
(if: $Female3Cover is 1)[(set: $LuckyShot to $LuckyShot - 10)]
(if: $Female3Cover is 2)[(set: $LuckyShot to $LuckyShot - 20)]
(if: $LuckyShot <= $Male3Aim)
The shot connects!
(set: $ShotImpact to (random:1, 3))
(if: $ShotImpact is 1)[
A glancing blow to the shoulder briefly knocks $Female3Name in pain.
(set: $Female3HP to ($Female3HP - 10))
(if: $ShotImpact is 2)[
The shot connects full force to her stomach, knocking her to the ground.
(set: $Female3HP to ($Female3HP - 30))
(if: $ShotImpact is 3)[
The shot manages to slam into her breast! $Female3Name screams in pain.
(set: $Female3HP to ($Female3HP - 35))
Her HP is now at $Female3HP
(if: $Female3HP < 0)[
(set: $Female3HP to 0)
(set: $Female3Unconscious to 1)
$Female3Name is effectively subdued, laying in pain and agony and no longer able to participate in the fight...
(if: $LuckyShot > $Male3Aim)
[The shot misses her.]
[[Move on->Assessment]]$Female1Name has a fighting skill level of $Female1Fighting and HP of $Female1HP
$Male1Name has a fighting skill level of $Male1Fighting and HP of $Male1HP
(set: $FightDice to (random:1, 6))
(set: $DefendDice to (random:1, 6))
(set: $TotalFemPower to $DefendDice + $Female1Fighting)
(set: $TotalManPower to $FightDice + $Male1Fighting)
(if: $TotalFemPower <= $TotalManPower)[
(set: $Difference to ($TotalManPower - $TotalFemPower))
(if: $Difference is 0)[$Male1Name angrily swings an arm at $Female1Name, who is prepared to block it but nevertheless is knocked back from the force. (set: $DamageDone to 15)]
(if: $Difference is 1 or 2)[$Male1Name grabs $Female1Name by the hair and pulls her towards him, smacking her hard in the face. (set: $DamageDone to 45) <img src="https://brandtake.neocities.org/TwineGames/ForestBattle/JerryPunchBecca.jpg">]
(if: $Difference is 3 or 4)[$Male1Name manages to clothesline $Female1Name with his arm, knocking her hard to the ground. (set: $DamageDone to 70)]
(if: $Difference is > 4)[$Male1Name takes $Female1Name by surprise, and manages to suckerpunch her with extreme force to the head. She goes down, hard. (set: $DamageDone to 90)]
(set: $Female1HP to ($Female1HP - $DamageDone))
Her HP is now at $Female1HP
(if: $Female1HP < 0)[She gasps in pain and mercifully loses consciousness. (set: $Female1HP to 0) (set: $Female1Unconscious to 1)]
(if: $TotalFemPower > $TotalManPower)[
$Female1Name adeptly dodges his clumsy attack.
[[Right on->Female2Action]]$Female2Name has a fighting skill level of $Female2Fighting and HP of $Female2HP
$Male1Name has a fighting skill level of $Male1Fighting and HP of $Male1HP
(set: $FightDice to (random:1, 6))
(set: $DefendDice to (random:1, 6))
(set: $TotalFemPower to $DefendDice + $Female2Fighting)
(set: $TotalManPower to $FightDice + $Male1Fighting)
(if: $TotalFemPower <= $TotalManPower)[
(set: $Difference to ($TotalManPower - $TotalFemPower))
(if: $Difference is 0)[$Male1Name angrily swings an arm at $Female2Name, who is prepared to block it but nevertheless is knocked back from the force. (set: $DamageDone to 15)]
(if: $Difference is 1 or 2)[$Male1Name grabs $Female2Name by the hair and pulls her towards him, smacking her hard in the face.(set: $DamageDone to 45)]
(if: $Difference is 3 or 4)[$Male1Name manages to clothesline $Female2Name with his arm, knocking her hard to the ground. (set: $DamageDone to 70)]
(if: $Difference is > 4)[$Male1Name takes $Female2Name by surprise, and manages to suckerpunch her with extreme force to the head. She goes down, hard. (set: $DamageDone to 90)]
(set: $Female2HP to ($Female2HP - $DamageDone))
Her HP is now at $Female2HP
(if: $Female2HP < 0)[She gasps in pain and mercifully loses consciousness. (set: $Female2HP to 0) (set: $Female2Unconscious to 1)]
(if: $TotalFemPower > $TotalManPower)[
$Female2Name adeptly dodges his clumsy attack.
[[Right on->Female2Action]]$Female3Name has a fighting skill level of $Female3Fighting and HP of $Female3HP
$Male1Name has a fighting skill level of $Male1Fighting and HP of $Male1HP
(set: $FightDice to (random:1, 6))
(set: $DefendDice to (random:1, 6))
(set: $TotalFemPower to $DefendDice + $Female3Fighting)
(set: $TotalManPower to $FightDice + $Male1Fighting)
(if: $TotalFemPower <= $TotalManPower)[
(set: $Difference to ($TotalManPower - $TotalFemPower))
(if: $Difference is 0)[$Male1Name angrily swings an arm at $Female3Name, who is prepared to block it but nevertheless is knocked back from the force. (set: $DamageDone to 15)]
(if: $Difference is 1 or 2)[$Male1Name grabs $Female3Name by the hair and pulls her towards him, smacking her hard in the face.(set: $DamageDone to 45)]
(if: $Difference is 3 or 4)[$Male1Name manages to clothesline $Female3Name with his arm, knocking her hard to the ground. (set: $DamageDone to 70)]
(if: $Difference is > 4)[$Male1Name takes $Female3Name by surprise, and manages to suckerpunch her with extreme force to the head. She goes down, hard. (set: $DamageDone to 90)]
(set: $Female3HP to ($Female3HP - $DamageDone))
Her HP is now at $Female3HP
(if: $Female3HP < 0)[She gasps in pain and mercifully loses consciousness. (set: $Female3HP to 0) (set: $Female3Unconscious to 1)]
(if: $TotalFemPower > $TotalManPower)[
$Female3Name adeptly dodges his clumsy attack.
[[Right on->Female2Action]]$Male1Name snickers, ripping open $Female1Name's shirt and exposing her bra to his friends. He proceeds to rip off her clothes until she is only in a bra and panties!
(set: $Female1Humiliated to 1)
[[Awesome!->Female2Action]]$Male1Name snickers, ripping open $Female2Name's shirt and exposing her bra to his friends. He proceeds to rip off her clothes until she is only in a bra and panties!
(set: $Female2Humiliated to 1)
[[Awesome!->Female2Action]]$Male1Name snickers, ripping open $Female3Name's shirt and exposing her bra to his friends. He proceeds to rip off her clothes until she is only in a bra and panties!
(set: $Female3Humiliated to 1)
[[Awesome!->Female2Action]]$Female2Name eyes the whimpering, crying $Male1Name and rolls her eyes. She lifts him up by the shirt and tears it off him. "So, you wanted a panty raid, huh? Bet you didn't think you'd be the one raided..." she chastises him as she pulls his pants down. She kicks him one final time in the ribs and leaves him groaning in his underwear.
(set: $Male1Humiliated to 1)
[[Awesome!->Male2Action]]$Female2Name eyes the whimpering, crying $Male2Name and rolls her eyes. She lifts him up by the shirt and tears it off him. "So, you wanted a panty raid, huh? Bet you didn't think you'd be the one raided..." she chastises him as she pulls his pants down. She kicks him one final time in the ribs and leaves him groaning in his underwear.
<img src="https://brandtake.neocities.org/TwineGames/ForestBattle/DonnabelleHumiliateGeorge.jpg">
(set: $Male2Humiliated to 1)
[[Awesome!->Male2Action]]$Female2Name eyes the whimpering, crying $Male3Name and rolls her eyes. She lifts him up by the shirt and tears it off him. "So, you wanted a panty raid, huh? Bet you didn't think you'd be the one raided..." she chastises him as she pulls his pants down. She kicks him one final time in the ribs and leaves him groaning in his underwear.
(set: $Male3Humiliated to 1)
[[Awesome!->Male2Action]]$Female2Name has a fighting skill level of $Female2Fighting and HP of $Female2HP
$Male1Name has a fighting skill level of $Male1Fighting and HP of $Male1HP
(set: $FightDice to (random:1, 6))
(set: $DefendDice to (random:1, 6))
(set: $TotalFemPower to $FightDice + $Female2Fighting)
(set: $TotalManPower to $DefendDice + $Male1Fighting)
(if: $TotalFemPower >= $TotalManPower)[
(set: $Difference to ($TotalFemPower - $TotalManPower))
(if: $Difference is 0)[$Male1Name raises his arms just in time to block a vicious kick from $Female2Name, although his hand is skinned in the process. (set: $DamageDone to 15)]
(if: $Difference is 1 or 2)[$Female2Name shoots her foot out into the pit of $Male1Name's stomach, winding him momentarily. (set: $DamageDone to 45) <img src="https://brandtake.neocities.org/TwineGames/ForestBattle/DonnabelleKickJerryStomach.jpg">]
(if: $Difference is 3 or 4)[$Female2Name grabs $Male1Name's hand before he knows what's happening and judo flips him straight onto the ground, pinning him with her foot. (set: $DamageDone to 70)]
(if: $Difference is > 4)[$Female2Name dives straight onto $Male1Name, straddling him and pinning his arms with her knees. She grabs his hair and viciously smashes her fist into his nose! (set: $DamageDone to 90)]
(set: $Male1HP to ($Male1HP - $DamageDone))
His HP is now at $Male1HP
(if: $Male1HP < 0)[He gasps in pain and mercifully loses consciousness. (set: $Male1HP to 0) (set: $Male1Unconscious to 1)]
(if: $TotalFemPower < $TotalManPower)[
$Male1Name manages to dodge her frantic attack and push her away.
[[Right on->Male2Action]]$Female2Name has a fighting skill level of $Female2Fighting and HP of $Female2HP
$Male2Name has a fighting skill level of $Male2Fighting and HP of $Male2HP
(set: $FightDice to (random:1, 6))
(set: $DefendDice to (random:1, 6))
(set: $TotalFemPower to $FightDice + $Female2Fighting)
(set: $TotalManPower to $DefendDice + $Male2Fighting)
(if: $TotalFemPower >= $TotalManPower)[
(set: $Difference to ($TotalFemPower - $TotalManPower))
(if: $Difference is 0)[$Male2Name raises his arms just in time to block a vicious kick from $Female2Name, although his hand is skinned in the process. (set: $DamageDone to 15)]
(if: $Difference is 1 or 2)[$Female2Name shoots her foot out into the pit of $Male2Name's stomach, winding him momentarily. (set: $DamageDone to 45)]
(if: $Difference is 3 or 4)[$Female2Name grabs $Male2Name's hand before he knows what's happening and judo flips him straight onto the ground, pinning him with her foot. (set: $DamageDone to 70)]
(if: $Difference is > 4)[$Female2Name dives straight onto $Male2Name, straddling him and pinning his arms with her knees. She grabs his hair and viciously smashes her fist into his nose! (set: $DamageDone to 90)]
(set: $Male2HP to ($Male2HP - $DamageDone))
His HP is now at $Male2HP
(if: $Male2HP < 0)[He gasps in pain and mercifully loses consciousness. (set: $Male2HP to 0) (set: $Male2Unconscious to 1)]
(if: $TotalFemPower < $TotalManPower)[
$Male2Name manages to dodge her frantic attack and push her away.
[[Right on->Male2Action]]$Female2Name has a fighting skill level of $Female2Fighting and HP of $Female2HP
$Male3Name has a fighting skill level of $Male3Fighting and HP of $Male3HP
(set: $FightDice to (random:1, 6))
(set: $DefendDice to (random:1, 6))
(set: $TotalFemPower to $FightDice + $Female2Fighting)
(set: $TotalManPower to $DefendDice + $Male3Fighting)
(if: $TotalFemPower >= $TotalManPower)[
(set: $Difference to ($TotalFemPower - $TotalManPower))
(if: $Difference is 0)[$Male3Name raises his arms just in time to block a vicious kick from $Female2Name, although his hand is skinned in the process. (set: $DamageDone to 15)]
(if: $Difference is 1 or 2)[$Female2Name shoots her foot out into the pit of $Male3Name's stomach, winding him momentarily. (set: $DamageDone to 45)]
(if: $Difference is 3 or 4)[$Female2Name grabs $Male3Name's hand before he knows what's happening and judo flips him straight onto the ground, pinning him with her foot. (set: $DamageDone to 70)]
(if: $Difference is > 4)[$Female2Name dives straight onto $Male3Name, straddling him and pinning his arms with her knees. She grabs his hair and viciously smashes her fist into his nose! (set: $DamageDone to 90)]
(set: $Male3HP to ($Male3HP - $DamageDone))
His HP is now at $Male3HP
(if: $Male3HP < 0)[He gasps in pain and mercifully loses consciousness. (set: $Male3HP to 0) (set: $Male3Unconscious to 1)]
(if: $TotalFemPower < $TotalManPower)[
$Male3Name manages to dodge her frantic attack and push her away.
[[Right on->Male2Action]]$Female1Name has a fighting skill level of $Female1Fighting and HP of $Female1HP
$Male2Name has a fighting skill level of $Male2Fighting and HP of $Male2HP
(set: $FightDice to (random:1, 6))
(set: $DefendDice to (random:1, 6))
(set: $TotalFemPower to $DefendDice + $Female1Fighting)
(set: $TotalManPower to $FightDice + $Male2Fighting)
(if: $TotalFemPower <= $TotalManPower)[
(set: $Difference to ($TotalManPower - $TotalFemPower))
(if: $Difference is 0)[$Male2Name angrily swings an arm at $Female1Name, who is prepared to block it but nevertheless is knocked back from the force. (set: $DamageDone to 15)]
(if: $Difference is 1 or 2)[$Male2Name grabs $Female1Name by the hair and pulls her towards him, smacking her hard in the face.(set: $DamageDone to 45)]
(if: $Difference is 3 or 4)[$Male2Name manages to clothesline $Female1Name with his arm, knocking her hard to the ground. (set: $DamageDone to 70) <img src="https://brandtake.neocities.org/TwineGames/ForestBattle/GeorgeClotheslineBecca.jpg">]
(if: $Difference is > 4)[$Male2Name takes $Female1Name by surprise, and manages to suckerpunch her with extreme force to the head. She goes down, hard. (set: $DamageDone to 90)]
(set: $Female1HP to ($Female1HP - $DamageDone))
Her HP is now at $Female1HP
(if: $Female1HP < 0)[She gasps in pain and mercifully loses consciousness. (set: $Female1HP to 0) (set: $Female1Unconscious to 1)]
(if: $TotalFemPower > $TotalManPower)[
$Female1Name adeptly dodges his clumsy attack.
[[Right on->Female3Action]]$Female2Name has a fighting skill level of $Female2Fighting and HP of $Female2HP
$Male2Name has a fighting skill level of $Male2Fighting and HP of $Male2HP
(set: $FightDice to (random:1, 6))
(set: $DefendDice to (random:1, 6))
(set: $TotalFemPower to $DefendDice + $Female2Fighting)
(set: $TotalManPower to $FightDice + $Male2Fighting)
(if: $TotalFemPower <= $TotalManPower)[
(set: $Difference to ($TotalManPower - $TotalFemPower))
(if: $Difference is 0)[$Male2Name angrily swings an arm at $Female2Name, who is prepared to block it but nevertheless is knocked back from the force. (set: $DamageDone to 15) <img src="https://brandtake.neocities.org/TwineGames/ForestBattle/GeorgeSlapDonnabelle.jpg">]
(if: $Difference is 1 or 2)[$Male2Name grabs $Female2Name by the hair and pulls her towards him, smacking her hard in the face.(set: $DamageDone to 45)]
(if: $Difference is 3 or 4)[$Male2Name manages to clothesline $Female2Name with his arm, knocking her hard to the ground. (set: $DamageDone to 70) <img src="https://brandtake.neocities.org/TwineGames/ForestBattle/GeorgeClotheslineDonnabelle.jpg">]
(if: $Difference is > 4)[$Male2Name takes $Female2Name by surprise, and manages to suckerpunch her with extreme force to the head. She goes down, hard. (set: $DamageDone to 90)]
(set: $Female2HP to ($Female2HP - $DamageDone))
Her HP is now at $Female2HP
(if: $Female2HP < 0)[She gasps in pain and mercifully loses consciousness. (set: $Female2HP to 0) (set: $Female2Unconscious to 1)]
(if: $TotalFemPower > $TotalManPower)[
$Female2Name adeptly dodges his clumsy attack.
[[Right on->Female3Action]]$Female3Name has a fighting skill level of $Female3Fighting and HP of $Female3HP
$Male2Name has a fighting skill level of $Male2Fighting and HP of $Male2HP
(set: $FightDice to (random:1, 6))
(set: $DefendDice to (random:1, 6))
(set: $TotalFemPower to $DefendDice + $Female3Fighting)
(set: $TotalManPower to $FightDice + $Male2Fighting)
(if: $TotalFemPower <= $TotalManPower)[
(set: $Difference to ($TotalManPower - $TotalFemPower))
(if: $Difference is 0)[$Male2Name angrily swings an arm at $Female3Name, who is prepared to block it but nevertheless is knocked back from the force. (set: $DamageDone to 15)]
(if: $Difference is 1 or 2)[$Male2Name grabs $Female3Name by the hair and pulls her towards him, smacking her hard in the face.(set: $DamageDone to 45)]
(if: $Difference is 3 or 4)[$Male2Name manages to clothesline $Female3Name with his arm, knocking her hard to the ground. (set: $DamageDone to 70)]
(if: $Difference is > 4)[$Male2Name takes $Female3Name by surprise, and manages to suckerpunch her with extreme force to the head. She goes down, hard. (set: $DamageDone to 90)]
(set: $Female3HP to ($Female3HP - $DamageDone))
Her HP is now at $Female3HP
(if: $Female3HP < 0)[She gasps in pain and mercifully loses consciousness. (set: $Female3HP to 0) (set: $Female3Unconscious to 1)]
(if: $TotalFemPower > $TotalManPower)[
$Female3Name adeptly dodges his clumsy attack.
[[Right on->Female3Action]]$Male2Name snickers, ripping open $Female1Name's shirt and exposing her bra to his friends. He proceeds to rip off her clothes until she is only in a bra and panties!
(set: $Female1Humiliated to 1)
[[Awesome!->Female3Action]]$Male2Name snickers, ripping open $Female2Name's shirt and exposing her bra to his friends. He proceeds to rip off her clothes until she is only in a bra and panties!
(set: $Female2Humiliated to 1)
[[Awesome!->Female3Action]]$Male2Name snickers, ripping open $Female3Name's shirt and exposing her bra to his friends. He proceeds to rip off her clothes until she is only in a bra and panties!
(set: $Female3Humiliated to 1)
[[Awesome!->Female3Action]]$Female3Name has a fighting skill level of $Female3Fighting and HP of $Female3HP
$Male1Name has a fighting skill level of $Male1Fighting and HP of $Male1HP
(set: $FightDice to (random:1, 6))
(set: $DefendDice to (random:1, 6))
(set: $TotalFemPower to $FightDice + $Female3Fighting)
(set: $TotalManPower to $DefendDice + $Male1Fighting)
(if: $TotalFemPower >= $TotalManPower)[
(set: $Difference to ($TotalFemPower - $TotalManPower))
(if: $Difference is 0)[$Female3Name jumps on top of $Male1Name's back and beats his muscled frame with her arms. He manages to buck her off easily. (set: $DamageDone to 15)]
(if: $Difference is 1 or 2)[$Female3Name shoots her leg out, kicking $Male1Name across the chest and knocking him back with a thwack. (set: $DamageDone to 45)]
(if: $Difference is 3 or 4)[$Female3Name sweetly sneaks up to $Male1Name and lifts her skirt. When he sees her his eyes grow wide as he looks down at her legs. While he's distracted she shoots her leg straight out between his legs, racking his balls. She giggles sweetly as he moans in pain. (set: $DamageDone to 70)]
(if: $Difference is > 4)[$Female3Name walks sweetly up to $Male1Name and winks at him. Confused, $Male1Name leans over. She purses her lips as though she's going to kiss him, but instead slams her arms against his ears as hard as she can. The world spins! (set: $DamageDone to 90)]
(set: $Male1HP to ($Male1HP - $DamageDone))
His HP is now at $Male1HP
(if: $Male1HP < 0)[He gasps in pain and mercifully loses consciousness. (set: $Male1HP to 0) (set: $Male1Unconscious to 1)]
(if: $TotalFemPower < $TotalManPower)[
$Male1Name manages to dodge her frantic attack and push her away.
[[Right on->Male3Action]]$Female3Name has a fighting skill level of $Female3Fighting and HP of $Female3HP
$Male2Name has a fighting skill level of $Male2Fighting and HP of $Male2HP
(set: $FightDice to (random:1, 6))
(set: $DefendDice to (random:1, 6))
(set: $TotalFemPower to $FightDice + $Female3Fighting)
(set: $TotalManPower to $DefendDice + $Male2Fighting)
(if: $TotalFemPower >= $TotalManPower)[
(set: $Difference to ($TotalFemPower - $TotalManPower))
(if: $Difference is 0)[$Female3Name jumps on top of $Male2Name's back and beats his muscled frame with her arms. He manages to buck her off easily. (set: $DamageDone to 15)]
(if: $Difference is 1 or 2)[$Female3Name shoots her leg out, kicking $Male2Name across the chest and knocking him back with a thwack. (set: $DamageDone to 45)]
(if: $Difference is 3 or 4)[$Female3Name sweetly sneaks up to $Male2Name and lifts her skirt. When he sees her his eyes grow wide as he looks down at her legs. While he's distracted she shoots her leg straight out between his legs, racking his balls. She giggles sweetly as he moans in pain. (set: $DamageDone to 70)]
(if: $Difference is > 4)[$Female3Name walks sweetly up to $Male2Name and winks at him. Confused, $Male2Name leans over. She purses her lips as though she's going to kiss him, but instead slams her arms against his ears as hard as she can. The world spins! (set: $DamageDone to 90)]
(set: $Male2HP to ($Male2HP - $DamageDone))
His HP is now at $Male2HP
(if: $Male2HP < 0)[He gasps in pain and mercifully loses consciousness. (set: $Male2HP to 0) (set: $Male2Unconscious to 1)]
(if: $TotalFemPower < $TotalManPower)[
$Male2Name manages to dodge her frantic attack and push her away.
[[Right on->Male3Action]]$Female3Name has a fighting skill level of $Female3Fighting and HP of $Female3HP
$Male3Name has a fighting skill level of $Male3Fighting and HP of $Male3HP
(set: $FightDice to (random:1, 6))
(set: $DefendDice to (random:1, 6))
(set: $TotalFemPower to $FightDice + $Female3Fighting)
(set: $TotalManPower to $DefendDice + $Male3Fighting)
(if: $TotalFemPower >= $TotalManPower)[
(set: $Difference to ($TotalFemPower - $TotalManPower))
(if: $Difference is 0)[$Female3Name jumps on top of $Male3Name's back and beats his muscled frame with her arms. He manages to buck her off easily. (set: $DamageDone to 15)]
(if: $Difference is 1 or 2)[$Female3Name shoots her leg out, kicking $Male3Name across the chest and knocking him back with a thwack. (set: $DamageDone to 45)]
(if: $Difference is 3 or 4)[$Female3Name sweetly sneaks up to $Male3Name and lifts her skirt. When he sees her his eyes grow wide as he looks down at her legs. While he's distracted she shoots her leg straight out between his legs, racking his balls. She giggles sweetly as he moans in pain. (set: $DamageDone to 70)]
(if: $Difference is > 4)[$Female3Name walks sweetly up to $Male3Name and winks at him. Confused, $Male3Name leans over. She purses her lips as though she's going to kiss him, but instead slams her arms against his ears as hard as she can. The world spins! (set: $DamageDone to 90)]
(set: $Male3HP to ($Male3HP - $DamageDone))
His HP is now at $Male3HP
(if: $Male3HP < 0)[He gasps in pain and mercifully loses consciousness. (set: $Male3HP to 0) (set: $Male3Unconscious to 1)]
(if: $TotalFemPower < $TotalManPower)[
$Male3Name manages to dodge her frantic attack and push her away.
[[Right on->Male3Action]]$Female3Name looks at the unconscious $Male1Name and places her finger on her chin... "Hmmm... What am I going to do with you?" she asks. Giggling, she pushes him onto his front and pulls his clothes off one by one. "See you later, lover boy," she says, tapping her shoe into his mouth and walking away with his clothes, leaving him to wake up only with his underwear.
(set: $Male1Humiliated to 1)
[[Awesome!->Male3Action]]$Female3Name looks at the unconscious $Male2Name and places her finger on her chin... "Hmmm... What am I going to do with you?" she asks. Giggling, she pushes him onto his front and pulls his clothes off one by one. "See you later, lover boy," she says, tapping her shoe into his mouth and walking away with his clothes, leaving him to wake up only with his underwear.
(set: $Male2Humiliated to 1)
[[Awesome!->Male3Action]]$Female3Name looks at the unconscious $Male3Name and places her finger on her chin... "Hmmm... What am I going to do with you?" she asks. Giggling, she pushes him onto his front and pulls his clothes off one by one. "See you later, lover boy," she says, tapping her shoe into his mouth and walking away with his clothes, leaving him to wake up only with his underwear.
(set: $Male3Humiliated to 1)
[[Awesome!->Male3Action]]$Female1Name has a fighting skill level of $Female1Fighting and HP of $Female1HP
$Male3Name has a fighting skill level of $Male3Fighting and HP of $Male3HP
(set: $FightDice to (random:1, 6))
(set: $DefendDice to (random:1, 6))
(set: $TotalFemPower to $DefendDice + $Female1Fighting)
(set: $TotalManPower to $FightDice + $Male3Fighting)
(if: $TotalFemPower <= $TotalManPower)[
(set: $Difference to ($TotalManPower - $TotalFemPower))
(if: $Difference is 0)[$Male3Name angrily swings an arm at $Female1Name, who is prepared to block it but nevertheless is knocked back from the force. (set: $DamageDone to 15)]
(if: $Difference is 1 or 2)[$Male3Name grabs $Female1Name by the hair and pulls her towards him, smacking her hard in the face.(set: $DamageDone to 45)]
(if: $Difference is 3 or 4)[$Male3Name manages to clothesline $Female1Name with his arm, knocking her hard to the ground. (set: $DamageDone to 70)]
(if: $Difference is > 4)[$Male3Name takes $Female1Name by surprise, and manages to suckerpunch her with extreme force to the head. She goes down, hard. (set: $DamageDone to 90)]
(set: $Female1HP to ($Female1HP - $DamageDone))
Her HP is now at $Female1HP
(if: $Female1HP < 0)[She gasps in pain and mercifully loses consciousness. (set: $Female1HP to 0) (set: $Female1Unconscious to 1)]
(if: $TotalFemPower > $TotalManPower)[
$Female1Name adeptly dodges his clumsy attack.
[[Right on->Assessment]]$Female2Name has a fighting skill level of $Female2Fighting and HP of $Female2HP
$Male3Name has a fighting skill level of $Male3Fighting and HP of $Male3HP
(set: $FightDice to (random:1, 6))
(set: $DefendDice to (random:1, 6))
(set: $TotalFemPower to $DefendDice + $Female2Fighting)
(set: $TotalManPower to $FightDice + $Male3Fighting)
(if: $TotalFemPower <= $TotalManPower)[
(set: $Difference to ($TotalManPower - $TotalFemPower))
(if: $Difference is 0)[$Male3Name angrily swings an arm at $Female2Name, who is prepared to block it but nevertheless is knocked back from the force. (set: $DamageDone to 15)]
(if: $Difference is 1 or 2)[$Male3Name grabs $Female2Name by the hair and pulls her towards him, smacking her hard in the face.(set: $DamageDone to 45)]
(if: $Difference is 3 or 4)[$Male3Name manages to clothesline $Female2Name with his arm, knocking her hard to the ground. (set: $DamageDone to 70)]
(if: $Difference is > 4)[$Male3Name takes $Female2Name by surprise, and manages to suckerpunch her with extreme force to the head. She goes down, hard. (set: $DamageDone to 90)]
(set: $Female2HP to ($Female2HP - $DamageDone))
Her HP is now at $Female2HP
(if: $Female2HP < 0)[She gasps in pain and mercifully loses consciousness. (set: $Female2HP to 0) (set: $Female2Unconscious to 1)]
(if: $TotalFemPower > $TotalManPower)[
$Female2Name adeptly dodges his clumsy attack.
[[Right on->Assessment]]$Female3Name has a fighting skill level of $Female3Fighting and HP of $Female3HP
$Male3Name has a fighting skill level of $Male3Fighting and HP of $Male3HP
(set: $FightDice to (random:1, 6))
(set: $DefendDice to (random:1, 6))
(set: $TotalFemPower to $DefendDice + $Female3Fighting)
(set: $TotalManPower to $FightDice + $Male3Fighting)
(if: $TotalFemPower <= $TotalManPower)[
(set: $Difference to ($TotalManPower - $TotalFemPower))
(if: $Difference is 0)[$Male3Name angrily swings an arm at $Female3Name, who is prepared to block it but nevertheless is knocked back from the force. (set: $DamageDone to 15)]
(if: $Difference is 1 or 2)[$Male3Name grabs $Female3Name by the hair and pulls her towards him, smacking her hard in the face.(set: $DamageDone to 45)]
(if: $Difference is 3 or 4)[$Male3Name manages to clothesline $Female3Name with his arm, knocking her hard to the ground. (set: $DamageDone to 70)]
(if: $Difference is > 4)[$Male3Name takes $Female3Name by surprise, and manages to suckerpunch her with extreme force to the head. She goes down, hard. (set: $DamageDone to 90)]
(set: $Female3HP to ($Female3HP - $DamageDone))
Her HP is now at $Female3HP
(if: $Female3HP < 0)[She gasps in pain and mercifully loses consciousness. (set: $Female3HP to 0) (set: $Female3Unconscious to 1)]
(if: $TotalFemPower > $TotalManPower)[
$Female3Name adeptly dodges his clumsy attack.
[[Right on->Assessment]]$Male3Name snickers, ripping open $Female1Name's shirt and exposing her bra to his friends. He proceeds to rip off her clothes until she is only in a bra and panties!
(set: $Female1Humiliated to 1)
[[Awesome!->Assessment]]$Male3Name snickers, ripping open $Female2Name's shirt and exposing her bra to his friends. He proceeds to rip off her clothes until she is only in a bra and panties!
(set: $Female2Humiliated to 1)
[[Awesome!->Assessment]]$Male3Name snickers, ripping open $Female3Name's shirt and exposing her bra to his friends. He proceeds to rip off her clothes until she is only in a bra and panties!
(set: $Female3Humiliated to 1)
The girls cheer at their victory over the men.
(set: $TotalScore to $TotalFemaleHP)
(if: $Male1Humiliated is 1)[(set: $TotalScore to ($TotalScore + 100))]
(if: $Male2Humiliated is 1)[(set: $TotalScore + ($TotalScore + 100))]
(if: $Male3Humiliated is 1)[(set: $TotalScore + ($TotalScore + 100))]
The boys manage to secure a healthy trophy chest of panties from the sorority! Their raid successful, they leave behind the battered girls and return to the fraternity.
Better luck next time!
(set: $TotalScore to $TotalMaleHP)
(if: $Female1Humiliated is 1)[(set: $TotalScore to ($TotalScore + 100))]
(if: $Female2Humiliated is 1)[(set: $TotalScore to ($TotalScore + 100))]
(if: $Female3Humiliated is 1)[(set: $TotalScore to ($TotalScore + 100))]
TOTAL SCORE: $TotalScore
Becca, Donnabelle, and Sharon are camped at their sorority in the woods outside Ferndale College.
Suddenly they hear stirring in the bushes. The boys are coming for a Panty Raid, armed with their airsoft guns and strategically deploying around the sorority building. The girls grab their airsoft guns and get ready!
The winning team is whoever has players still conscious after fierce combat! Bonus points for humiliation of downed players!
Let's begin